Everything is NOT About You!

These are the words my youngest daughter told me on yesterday and it seems like those words have rolled over to today.  Not from my daughter but in my thoughts when things didn’t go the way I planned today.  I had my day all planned.  It started out great when I was at home doing my renewed regiment and thinking through my well thought out plans for today…

  • Woke up at 7’ish

  • Prayed & meditated

  • Recited my declarations and affirmations - because my cup was almost emptied, and I am a firm believer that if your cup is not full, you can’t serve anybody

  • Did my 10 minutes HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) exercise.  Yes, I only do 10 minutes sometimes because it’s better than nothing. (My body loves me for that…I can tell)

  • Reflected on what I decided on yesterday that concerned me about people not valuing my time (I decided to put a stop to that nonsense that I was allowing, nevertheless, I was reflecting on my new intentions)

  • Took a nice hot shower and reflected more, feeling empowered

  • Ate a healthy wholesome breakfast (quinoa w/bananas, walnuts, a little almond milk and just a touch of raw unfiltered honey)

  • Got dressed for my casual, well planned day

  • Decided last night that I was going to work at a nice coffee shop for a change of scenery and inspiration for long term goals I plan to accomplish

  • Stopped by Walmart for some nail salon supplies for myself

  • Off to a specialty coffee shop (Cavo) my daughter told me about it.  I wanted a change of scenery from Starbucks

Then the spiral started…downward

Come to find out it is more than one Cavo Coffee Shop within 5 minutes of each other and my cell phone GPS took me to the one that had little parking when my daughter clearly told me there was covered garage parking. So obviously it was the other one that had the big parking garage (rolls eyes).  I heard the thoughts in my head, “Sheila Rociel, everything is not about you”.  So, I went in and it was so tiny and nowhere to use a plug and barely anywhere to sit.  “Sheila Rociel, everything is not about you”.  So, I got settled in and decided to go ahead and order my Latte (decaf latte w/almond milk and a delicious scone) and I got mentally ready to buckle down to work on strategizing for success on my long-term goals. “Why can’t I pull up my websites and my emails? It says I’m connected.”  Checked again, and again and again. I could feel my emotions trying to run wild. Then I noticed the lady sitting next to me had specialty condiments with her scone and after finding out that the server forgot mine, I was irritated because I had already gobbled down most of mine.  But that didn’t stop me for asking for it anyway.  “Sheila Rociel, everything is not about you.’  So, I decided to pack up and drive to reliable Starbucks.

As I headed to my favorite Starbucks I got a phone call from a friend (male friend) and after several minutes of chit chatting, plans were made to meet at the Starbucks…a pleasant distraction from my current state of mind.  Then I looked at my nails which were a total mess and I quickly pushed the meeting time back because it was no way I was going to be in male company with my nails jacked up.  You see I had decided that I was going to do my own nails later.  Remember I drove to Walmart and purchased all of my nail supplies feeling so empowered.  I felt very comfortable peeling off polish on a couple of annoying nails knowing I would take care of them later.  So, of course I had to make a quick stop at my favorite nail salon.

Now with freshly manicured nails, I made the promised call to my friend when I was enroute to Starbucks.  No answer.  Continued to Starbucks.  Parked at Starbucks and called again.  No Answer.  Annoyed because I could have stayed on track with my day instead of running to the nail salon when I had just made an intention in the beginning of my day about people not valuing my time!  Then I remembered, “Sheila Rociel everything is not about you”.  Therefore, I went into Starbucks determined to at least salvage some aspects of my well thought out plans for the day.

Contentment restored….

As I settled in to Starbucks with another latte, I stared at my computer.  I reflected on what had transpired doing my day.  I began to analyze my emotions and realized once again that I was always in charge of my thoughts.  I began to realize that today was a test to me, and by me.  I am learning myself and what thoughts trigger my emotions.   The bible says, “know thyself”.  The more I leaned into my ego, the more unwanted circumstances I was attracting into my world.  I started reflecting on all the good in my life and then I felt contentment.  I recognized that contented feeling and knew I was climbing back in alignment with my higher self.  I thought about what a beautiful Saturday it is today after all the rainy days.  I felt inspiration rising within me... I opened my blank Word document and begin to write.  This blog post is the product of my day today.  It was not in my plan today to write a blog post. But when I aligned myself with my true purpose and intention, the Universe supports me.

As I was almost finished with writing this post, my friend was standing behind me.  He said he was standing there for about 2 minutes and I was so focused that he didn’t let me know he was there.  Instead he was reading what I had written.  We had a most enjoyable evening, talking, laughing and just enjoying each other’s company.

My youngest daughter was right “Everything is not about you”.  I am learning to keep control of my ego and not let it run out of control.

What about you? Can you relate to my day?  Are you learning about yourself? What thoughts may be deeply rooted in your subconscious mind that is running wild and you may not be paying attention to? Remember your subconscious thoughts attracts what you are thinking!

I will love to hear your comments!

 Thanks for reading.


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